
Snap for Change

Parachute wants to hear from you about how our roads can be safer for everyone. In the Snap for Change initiative, share your ideas for improving road safety in your community to receive a $100 gift card!

Change the language, change perceptions: how we talk about road collisions (2021)

For many years, road safety advocates have argued it’s inaccurate to use the word “accident”to describe road collisions because that implies nothing could be done to prevent them. Thanks to advocacy by Parachute, the Canadian Press now has made this change to its Caps and Spelling style manual. Under the word “accident”it now reads: “avoid in reference to motor vehicles; prefer crash or collision.” A change in Canadian Press style means an enforceable change in language used in news coverage across the country.

Read the report detailing how we achieved this policy change and our plans for future advocacy.

Post Concussion Information Sheet for Nunavut Children (English)

This concussion information resource can be provided to Inuit youth who are healing from a concussion. It is available in English, French, Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun.

Check For Concussion PSA - English

Olympians Scott Moir, Marie-Philip Poulin, Steve Podborski and Paralympian Cindy Ouellet share concussion recognition and management messaging in this 30-second Public Service Announcement.

English: Is your child in the right seat? (2023)

This video was developed to provide basic child passenger safety information in an accessible way. For more information about #KidsInTheRightSeat go to

Change for Good Roads podcast

Change for Good Roads is a limited-term podcast that brings together some of the best thinkers in Canada to discuss, what are “Good Roads”? How do we change how we move in our cities to benefit community, environment, sustainability, health and equity? Change for Good Roads is hosted by Pamela Fuselli, President and CEO of […]

Social media guide

This awareness week, formerly known as National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW), takes place from October 20 to 26, 2024 with the theme #OurFutureRoads. We encourage you to try and post every day during Canadian Youth Road Safety Week using the following hashtags: Primary Hashtag: #OurFutureRoads Secondary Hashtag: #CYRSW2024 For graphics to use with your social media posts, see […]

Canadian Youth Road Safety Week

Formerly known as National Teen Driver Safety Week, this awareness week focused on youth and road safety runs annually during the third full week of October.

Official contest rules, Canada's Safest Driver

 Official Rules The Canada’s Safest Driver Contest (hereinafter “Contest”) is designed to (i) promote safe driving; (ii) improve road safety; (iii) provide insight into how telematics can improve driver safety; and (iv) increase awareness of and participation in Parachute Vision Zero initiatives. The Contest is a contest of skill that measures the driving habits of […]